Colombia condemns Israel’s renewed attacks on Gaza

Colombia condemns Israel’s renewed attacks on Gaza

Colombia’s Foreign Ministry said Tuesday that it “regrets and condemns” Israel’s “indiscriminate bombings” on Gaza that killed more than 400 people in 24 hours, according to local authorities.

In a statement, the Foreign Ministry said the most recent bombings were “in contravention of the ceasefire” that was agreed by the government of Israeli’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian resistance organization Hamas in January.

The ceasefire sought to facilitate the exchange of dozens of hostages held by Hamas in Gaza and hundreds of Palestinians who were jailed by Israel, often without any justification.

We urge that the cease-fire be maintained and that the principle of agreement be resumed to allow for the release of the abducted Israelis and Palestinian political prisoners, and that a long-term dialogue process be envisaged.

Foreign Ministry

The Foreign Ministry said that it would continue to support “actions conducive to the administration of justice for those responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity” in international courts.

President Gustavo Petro has repeatedly accused Israel of committing a genocide.

The government’s ambassador in the Netherlands joined a team of international ambassadors and jurists that are accusing the Israeli state of genocide before the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

Petro had additionally cut diplomatic ties with Israel and banned the exports of coal that, according to the president, could support Tel Aviv’s genocidal war on the Palestinian enclave on the Mediterranean Sea.

The president’s support for human rights in Palestine has been condemned as anti-Semitic by the Israeli government and Zionist organizations from the United States.

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